
Welcome to my page. I am trying to advocate for mental illness and people on the autism spectrum. Join me in this fight, and read along as I write. Together we can change the world.

Check out my twitter @notmydisability Thanks!

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5 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi. Thanks so much for the shout out. Me and you as well as my daughter and you..share many traits. I have the Bipolar thing going on and my daughter has the Aspergers going on. We can relate to the struggles..the pain..but also the hope. Thank you for your blog..it is very interesting and the music and poetry is really good. You are very talented :).

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The Way I Am

Live everyday as if it was your last

Little Fears

Tales of humour, whimsy and courgettes

Gregoria Green

"Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world".

Unprecedented Cult

Being Candid, behind the walls

Brainless Mom

no thinking needed

Platypus Lady

My life and my imagination


some scars can’t be seen


living life in conscious reality


"Find what you love and let it kill you." – Charles Bukowski

Seasons of Seroquil

To anyone who has a mental illness or a loved one suffering with mental illness:


Turn the tide.